Praesidium developed packages of courses that align with best practices within the Praesidium Accreditation Standards. Course packages are arranged by industry and include the most pertinent foundational abuse prevention knowledge. The content of these packages overlaps significantly, but where available, they include content specific to a particular industry.
Multiple packages can be implemented into your account at no additional fee.
Courses below that are available in additional languages are denoted with [ENG] for English, and [ES] for Spanish. Accessible courses are denoted with an asterisk (*).
Courses available in additional languages below are denoted with [ENG] for English and [ES] for Spanish. Accessible courses are denoted with an asterisk (*).
Abuse Prevention Refresher - Once employees and volunteers know the basics about preventing abuse in their organization, it’s time for real-life application. Learners learn the importance of acting on warning signs and how to do so. They will also learn to keep themselves and co-workers safe from false allegations and apply their knowledge to real-life scenarios. (ES)
Abuse Risk Management for Supervisors: Supervising for Safety* - Supervisors play a critical role in abuse risk management within their organization. This course will equip supervisors with the necessary skills to create a safe environment. Supervisors will gain insights into defining abuse prevention policies and procedures. Additionally, they will learn techniques for screening, selecting, and training staff and monitoring individuals, program activities, and physical spaces to minimize inappropriate behavior and abuse. They will also learn effective ways to respond to and report red-flag behaviors, policy violations, and suspicions of abuse. (ENG) (ES)
Abuse Risk Management* - This course describes how offenders operate, the devastating effects of abuse, and the specific steps that can be taken to prevent abuse and false allegations of abuse. (ENG), (ES)
Athlete Protection*- Part 1&2- This course educates coaches and other adults who work in youth sports on how to keep athletes safe. Learners learn about types of offenders and how they operate, the scope and effects of abuse in sports, and how to maintain a healthy coach-athlete relationship. In addition, the course offers critical content on high-risk situations and how to manage them, how to report abuse and red-flag behaviors, and how to protect against false allegations of abuse.
Athlete Protection: Swim Edition*- Part 1&2: This course teaches coaches and other adults who work with youths in swim clubs and organizations how to keep athletes safe. Learners learn about types of offenders and how they operate, the scope and effects of abuse in sports, and how to maintain a healthy coach-athlete relationship. In addition, the course offers critical content on high-risk situations and how to manage them, how to report abuse and red-flag behaviors, and how to protect against false allegations of abuse.
Basics of Youth Behavior Management: Teachers, counselors, and caregivers face the daily challenge of influencing and responding to the youths' behavior in their care. Using basic techniques to teach appropriate behaviors and eliminate negative behaviors, adults can create a positive, productive environment in the organization. Users will learn the behavior management basics, what to do when nothing else works, how to determine if a youth should be removed from the program, and tips for self-management.
CANRA (California Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act): CANRA and other state and federal laws outline California's mandated reporters requirements. This course explains not only the legal requirements of mandated reporters but also the signs of abuse to look for and best practices for responding when a child discloses abuse to you. [California] (ENG), (ES)
COVID-19 Resource- Maintaining Safety in Virtually Facilitated Programs: Due to COVID-19, more organizations are providing virtually facilitated programming. This course will empower learners to prevent abuse at their organization by helping them understand the problem, learn how offenders operate, offer guidelines to boundaries in virtual programming, provide information to youths and parents/guardians, and explain how to respond to inappropriate behaviors or suspicion of abuse.
Duty to Report-Mandated Reporter*: Adults have a moral responsibility, and in many cases, a legal responsibility, to report suspected child abuse or neglect. In this course, learners will learn why reporting suspected abuse and neglect is critical, the legal responsibilities for reporting report suspected abuse and neglect, what types of conduct must be reported, how to report suspected abuse and neglect, and how to respond if a child discloses abuse or neglect. (ENG), (ES)
- Duty to Report-Mandated Reporter School Edition [California, Pennsylvania] (ENG)
- Duty to Report-Mandated Reporter Youth Organization Edition [Pennsylvania] (ENG)
Foundations - Preventing Abuse in Youth-Serving Organizations*: This course provides foundational knowledge and skills to protect children in youth-serving organizations. Relevant images and real-life scenarios help learners understand the scope and impact of abuse, identify boundary-crossing and red-flag behaviors, and manage high-risk activities and locations. Learners will also learn how to respond effectively if a child or youth discloses abuse and their moral and legal reporting responsibilities. (ENG), (ES), (FR)
Getting Your Board on Board: Board members are responsible for protecting children in your organization. They establish policy, monitor compliance with policy, allocate safety resources, and vouch that your organization is safe for children. In this course, they will learn the effects of abuse, types of offenders, programs at high risk, and the five steps board members can take to increase safety.
Keeping Your Overnight Camp Safe*: Camp can be a wonderful experience for kids – but it can be a high-risk situation for abuse by an adult staff member or a peer. Learners learn the abuse risks at a residential camp, six locations where abuse is most likely to happen at a residential camp, and how all employees and volunteers can make a difference. (ENG) (ES)
Keeping Your Church Safe: Designed with the unique needs of churches in mind, in this course, learners will learn five specific ways your actions can keep children safe, the importance of keeping a watchful eye, what to do in the case of suspicious situations, and how to respond to inappropriate behavior. This course is a vital asset to your church ministries as it includes information about how offenders operate and provides helpful guidelines for screening applicants and keeping children safe across your ministries. (ENG), (ES)
Keeping Your Day Camp Safe*: Day camp can be a wonderful experience for kids. They make new friends, learn new skills, and increase their self-confidence. But not if they are abused at camp by a counselor or by another peer. This course shows you where and when abuse is most likely to happen in a day camp setting and the steps you can take to keep kids at day camp safe. (ENG), (ES)
Keeping Your Foster Care Program Safe: In this course, learners will learn how to establish effective relationships with foster parents and children, make the most out of home visits, and six tested methods to keep children in foster care safe.
Keeping Your Foster Home Safe - Parts 1, 2, & 3: This three-part course will help learners keep the children in their care safe. Part 1 addresses facts about foster care and the risks of sexual abuse in foster care. Part 2 outlines the five steps you can take to reduce the risk of sexual abuse. Lastly, Part 3 explains how to prevent false allegations of abuse, how to respond if an incident or allegation occurs, and what to expect if you are accused of abuse.
Keeping Your Higher Education Program Safe*: This course, specifically designed for youth-serving higher education programs with accessibility in mind, teaches learners about appropriate boundaries, how to navigate high-risk situations, and best practices for responding to and reporting inappropriate behavior and abuse.
Keeping Your School Safe*: This course educates learners on where and when abuse is more likely to occur in your schools and the specific steps schools can take to keep students safe. Learners also learn how to keep themselves and their coworkers safe from false allegations of abuse. (ENG), (ES)
Maintaining Professional Boundaries in the Healthcare Field: All healthcare professionals have an ethical duty to maintain healthy professional boundaries with patients and colleagues. In this course, healthcare professionals will be challenged to examine their current practices and beliefs and establish professional boundaries that will contribute to a culture of safety for everyone. Teaching points include The definition and scope of professional boundaries, The importance of professional boundaries, How boundary violations happen, How healthcare professionals can build better boundaries, Why healthy self-care behaviors are essential for healthcare professionals, and How healthcare professionals can recognize and respond to warning signs and red-flag behaviors.
Mandated Child Abuse Reporting for California Childcare Personnel: This course has been approved by the State of California Department of Social Services to meet the training requirements added to Health and Safety Code Section 1596.8662 by Assembly Bill 1207. This course may be completed instead of the Department’s online training. Be sure to supply a copy of the approval letter and course completion certificate from within the course so that licensing staff can recognize the alternate training as approved. [California]
Mini Minders: Short 2 to 4-minute videos focusing on best practices for youth-serving organizations.
- Identifying Boundary-Crossing Behaviors*
This short mini-minder video defines and identifies intentional and unintentional boundary-crossing behaviors. (ENG), (ES)
- Mandated Reporters*
This short mini-minder video focuses on mandated reporters' moral and legal responsibilities to report suspected and known
abuse. (ENG), (ES)
- Overcoming Barriers*
This short mini-minder video focuses on best practices to overcome common barriers to reporting suspected or known abuse. (ENG), (ES)
- High-Risk Activities: Bathrooms*
This short mini-minder video focuses on best practices for monitoring and supervising youth during bathroom
breaks. (ENG), (ES)
- High-Risk Activities: Locker Rooms*
This short mini-minder video focuses on best practices for supervising and monitoring youth in locker rooms and changing
areas. (ENG), (ES)
- High-Risk Activities: Summer Camp*
This short animation video focuses on best practices for summer camp workers. (ENG), (ES)
- High-Risk Activities: Overnight Camp*
This short animation video focuses on best practices to prepare for and protect youth during an overnight trip. (ENG), (ES)
- High-Risk Activities: Transportation*
This short mini-minder video focuses on best practices for transportation. (ENG), (ES)
Monitoring Youth Safety in Foster Care Environments: Foster care staff shares responsibility for protecting the youth your organization serves. Part of that responsibility involves conducting home visits, talking with youth about their lives, and asking them important questions to ensure their safety. Learners learn the importance of regularly asking questions that assess abuse risk and the types of questions to ask that assess adult-to-youth abuse and youth-to-youth abuse. Learners also learn the essential non-verbal cues to observe.
Preventing Abuse and Exploitation in Pastoral Ministry: Clergy and lay leaders are inherently in a position of power over those who need their spiritual guidance, assistance, and care. This course is designed to help ministers better understand their role in preventing exploitation and firm resolve to guard against situations that can foster inappropriate relationships. (ENG), (ES)
Preventing Abuse Against Adults with Disabilities: Providing care to individuals with disabilities is rewarding and challenging work. However, some caregivers psychologically abuse, physically abuse, steal from those they care for, and some even sexually abuse people in their care. In this course, learners learn the facts about abuse of individuals with disabilities, the characteristics of potential victims, and awareness of potential abusers and high-risk environments. They will also learn critical steps to protect clients and prevent false allegations.
Preventing Bullying: Once employees and volunteers know the basics about preventing abuse in their organization, it’s time for real-life application. Learners learn the importance of acting on warning signs and how to do so. They will also learn to keep themselves and their coworkers safe from false allegations and apply their knowledge to real-life scenarios. (ES)
Preventing Elder Abuse and Neglect: It's hard to believe that anyone would hurt the elderly. Fortunately, federal and state laws and regulations help protect vulnerable adults from abuse. Participants will learn Facts about abuse and neglect and how to recognize risk factors, warning signs, and red-flag behaviors.
Preventing Elder Abuse and Neglect in Long-Term Care Facilities: This course shows facts about abuse and neglect with the elderly in care facilities and how to recognize risk factors, warning signs, and red-flag behaviors. It also shows the steps to take to keep residents safe, steps to protect caregivers from false allegations, and steps administrators can take to prevent abuse and neglect of vulnerable adults.
Preventing Sexual Activity Between Adolescents: In this course, learners will learn techniques and best practices to prevent and respond to sexual activity, including what peer pressure and bullying can do to influence sexual behavior in adolescents, where sexual behavior between adolescents is likely to occur, steps that can be taken to prevent sexual activity between adolescents, and how to respond if sexual activity between adolescents occurs. (ENG), (ES)
Preventing Sexual Activity Between Young Children: Recent statistics indicate that incidents of sexual activity between young children in childcare and other programs have increased dramatically. Learn how to identify problematic behaviors, how to prevent them from occurring, and how to respond if they occur. (ENG), (ES)
Promoting a Safe Environment | Sexual Harassment Training: All employees want to work in an environment free of sexual harassment. Learners learn how to recognize different types of harassment. How can one determine if a situation is sexual harassment or not? How to prevent and respond to sexual harassment. Supervisors play an important role in complying with employment laws and encouraging a positive workplace environment. Learners learn what constitutes workplace discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. What the law requires of supervisors to prevent, stop, and respond to discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Supervisors will also learn what to do if accused of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation.
- Promoting a Safe Environment: Employee Sexual Harassment Training (ENG), (ES)
- Promoting a Safe Environment: Supervisor Sexual Harassment Training (ENG), (ES)
- Promoting a Safe Environment: Employee Sexual Harassment Training [California, Illinois, New York] (ENG)
- Promoting a Safe Environment: Supervisor Sexual Harassment Training Edition [California, Illinois] (ENG)
Safety Equation Series: The Praesidium Safety Equation® is the foundation for Praesidium’s abuse-prevention work. This set of courses focuses on each operation of the Praesidium Safety Equation®. Learners learn how and why Praesidium developed the Safety Equation, how each operation helps organizations decrease the risk of abuse by employees, volunteers, and program learners, and strategies and best practices for its implementation.
- Safety Equation Series: Overview
- Safety Equation Series: Administrative Practices
- Safety Equation Series: Consumer Participation
- Safety Equation Series: Internal Feedback System
- Safety Equation Series: Monitoring and Supervision
- Safety Equation Series: Policies
- Safety Equation Series: Responding
- Safety Equation Series: Screening and Selection (ENG), (ES)
- Safety Equation Series: Training
Safety Series - Bloodborne Pathogens: This course is designed to provide a basic understanding of bloodborne pathogens, common modes of transmission, and standards organizations can use to protect employees from exposure.
Social Media Safety*: This course introduces guidelines for protecting the youths in your care when using social media and electronic communication. Learners will learn how to identify the risks of using social media and other forms of electronic communication, follow policies and best practices governing the use of social media and electronic communication, educate youths and parents about online safety, and respond appropriately to improper and illegal use of social media/electronic communication. (ENG), (ES)
Summer Refresher: Top Five Monitoring and Supervision Strategies* - Research indicates that organizations often experience a surge in abuse-related incidents throughout the summer months. This data-driven course is designed to help supervisors keep abuse prevention at the forefront of their minds by emphasizing the top five monitoring and supervision strategies to create a safety culture effectively. (ENG), (ES)
Understanding Investigations: This course is a valuable introduction to the investigation process that can benefit complainants, those facing accusations, witnesses, and Human Resources personnel. In this course, learners learn what might prompt an organization to conduct an investigation, who can benefit from understanding how organizations conduct investigations, the guiding principles of investigations, and the steps in the investigation process.
Praesidium is dedicated to helping our clients fulfill their mission safely, whether they are just getting started in their abuse prevention efforts, focused on the compliance aspects of risk management, or are committed to creating a culture of safety with years of experience. We work with clients across the spectrum.
If you're not sure what your next step is to preventing abuse, contact us today.