Called To Protect

A comprehensive, safe environments program exclusively for Catholic ministries, parents, youth, and young children. 


Use All Four Parts or Any Combination.

The complete Called to Protect series includes four parts, including the first-ever program specifically for Catholic middle- and high-school-aged youths, and an innovative program for elementary-aged children based on the latest child development research. Praesidium experts carefully developed the content and conducted extensive nationwide field testing to ensure that each part is informative, well-received, and effective.

Called To Protect for Ministries

Teaches pastors, directors of religious education, catechists, volunteers, and other adults in positions of trust with minors Praesidium’s five-step approach to operating safe church programs.

Called To Protect for Parents & Families

Teaches parents what they must know to protect their own children. They learn what to watch for and the actions to take if they see something of concern. Parents also learn how to discuss safety with their own children.

Called To Protect for Youth

Teaches middle- and high-school kids about boundaries, how to respond if someone tries to violate their physical, emotional or behavioral boundaries, and how to tell their parents if they or their friend have been abused.

Called To Protect for Young Children

Teaches age appropriate information to children in elementary school. Utilizing the latest developmental research, they learn rules about protecting their bodies and what to do if someone tries to break the rules.

You Might Be Wondering...

Who is Praesidium?

Praesidium is the national leader in abuse risk management of sexual abuse of vulnerable populations. With more than 25 years of experience, and serving thousands of clients, our dedicated team of researchers, psychologists, attorneys, social workers, and human resources professionals have analyzed thousands of cases of abuse and synthesized the latest scientific research. We know how abuse happens in organizations and more importantly, how to prevent it.

What is Praesidium's approach to managing the risk of abuse in institutions and organizations?

Praesidium uses a systems-based approach created from the scientific research of thousands of reported incidents of abuse. This analysis identified that the root-causes of incidents fall into one or more of eight organizational operations which, taken together, comprise Praesidium’s Safety Equation®. We help our clients implement best-practice standards in each of the eight operations to close gaps, decrease risks, and create safer environments within their organizations.